Friday 2 December 2011

Economic Issue: The Future Sources of Food Supply

A large portion of the world still lives by primitive forms of agriculture involving labor for only part of the year. However. without fertilizers, etc., they cannot increase productivity on their limited acreages and it is difficult to use the labor elsewhere than on the land. As agricultural productivity increases, rural communities may devote about third of the increase improving their diets, urban communities more. The scientific study of the economics food supplies requires the finding of some patterns and uniformities in the bewildering multiplicity of human actions. There is a problem of agriculture and food supplies in the poorer communities. An economic problem arises, too, in respect of the really poor and backward communities, who live a great distance away from railways, roads, shops and government offices. These people live perforce almost entirely on food which they can produce in their own villages; and will have to continue to do so until methods of transport and distribution are really improved. An attempt to feed them on imported food would raise very serious transport and distribution problems. Lacking other means of transport, loads of food would have to be carried for long distances on men's head. paying the lowest possible wages to the porters, it nevertheless doubles the cost of grain to carry in this way for 75 miles.

I feel sad for the people who lived in those community for there is a great possibility of not having any food supply for their families in the future. With no fertilizers, the communities would not be able to produce food. without food, they would not have anything to provide for their families and they wouldn't have enough profit for their daily necessities. Another this is,out of the article I've read, it says that theses communities might be dependent on the support that the government would provide. This support would mean sending the food for their families. The only problem is there's no enough budget for the transportation and distribution. For me, if this would really happen in the future, I think that the government should prioritize the people in these communities. They should set aside the amount of budget for the transportation and distribution for the community's food supply.